Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Fucking Pet Peeves.

So we all have pet peeves, no doubt, so what better place to vent out my annoyance than on a blog!

  1. Clip-on bow-ties: First of all, I understand wearing a bow-tie is fashionable once again, but please, please, please, wear a real one! I hate clip-on bow-ties! Like, how is it fashionable for a young man to wear a clip on bow-tie? I don't know about you, but I stopped wearing clip-on ties after first communion. Bow-ties are supposed to be haute-couture, and clip-ons are def not haute couture. Oh, and F.YI. if you cannot define "haute couture", the you def DO NOT deserve to even put on a bow-tie.
  2. People who sit on my pillows: I mean, this one is obvious guys - come on! I sleep on my pillows; they touch my face...and, your bumb was on like two or more TTC seats before you sat on my pillow, that's a lot of dirt on my pillow. 'nough said.
  3. Shots: Walter taught me this, and now, I can't have it any other way. Anyways, I was having a couple drinks with some friends when I asked them to take shots with me. Now we all downed the shit in a spllit second - you know, flick it into your mouth, and you're done with. But this one guy was sipping on it...sipping on his shot. You don't sip on it fucker. Can't deal with that.
  4. Sneaker Heads: I love runners, but when you're 30 and in need of rent money, you'll regret having that extensive collection. Besides, what the hell is Nike compared to Salvatore Ferragamo. (If you don't know who he is, then you can't say you love shoes, I'm sorry)
  5. MSN slang: I understand that when messaging, texting, etc. it is convenient to abbreviate words - it saves time. But is it really necessary to type "dat" instead of "that"? Or "luk" instead of "look"? Honestly, that's just dumb.

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